
Power Advocacy Center

Schedule Your Private Consultation With an Advocate

A Recorded Private Consultation with an Advocate. We have 30 years in mortgage banking provides crucial guidance to lawyers and pro se litigants in New York aimed at developing a good defense narrative and strategies for winning cases in which homeowners are defending their homes. In the CONSULT we will provide more information and strategy than one would normally get in several hours spent with others who are less knowledgeable. People use the recording for transcription, cut and paste in pleadings, motions, memos and other documents.

Your private consultation is recorded and provided to you post-consultation. You can download it, listen again or even order, for a separate charge, the transcript of the CONSULT. Or have it transcribed yourself.

You will get the most out of the Consult if you think about the three top questions you want to ask and write them down so you will remember them. This will assure that the Consult covers the issues that are most important in your mind yet still gives us ample time to give some guidance outside the scope of your three questions. Remember that all issues discussed should be referred to your local counsel before you make any decision or take any action. In fact it is advisable to have your counsel on the CONSULT call. Getting our Preliminary Document Review beforehand will help focus the CONSULT to your specific case. You might also enhance the benefit by ordering a Preliminary Document Review where we look at unrecorded documents. Here are just some sample questions that are frequently asked, in no particular order: How do I identify the role of each entity or person named in the chain of title upon which the pretender lender is relying?

-What are the main issues of facts, evidence and proof in my case?
-Which issues are most likely to get traction in court, based upon experience?
-Who is my lender?
-Who has authority to service my loan?
-Who owns my loan?